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Usually, we start to wish a Happy New Year with the joyful anticipation. But this time we can go back to the past for a little, and recall the things that we had to overcome. We all know this year differs greatly from the previous ones. Each month added some new thrilling twist to this breathtaking blockbuster called «2020». However, we don't even think to give up. We survived this harsh year, although it was not without its price.
But step by step our life will be normal again, and bad days will be just like a terrible dream.
ZAVOD GORELTEX sincerely wish you a Happy New Year 2021. We believe the next year will be a million times better, because we all really deserve it! We wish you good health, so no pandemic will affect you. It is darkest before the dawn, then the New Year will bring you some New Opportunities. So be lucky to catch them up.
December 30 - 9:00-15:00
December 31 - January 10 - weekend
Republic of Belarus:
December, 31 - 9:00-13:00
January 1-4, 7, 9-10 - weekend
January 5-6, 8 – 9:00-18:00 working hours
Republic of Kazakhstan:
December31 - 9:00-15:00
January 1-3, 7-10 - weekend
January 4-5 - 9:00-18:00
January 6 - 9:00-16:00
From January 11, we continue to work as before.
Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург
ИНН 7806155468 / КПП 780601001
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